An Extravagant Death by Charles Finch

 This is the latest in the excellent Charles Lenox series, set mostly in Victorian England, though this book is set mostly in Newport, RI. Charles had been working on a case to prove police corruption and as the trial approached, Benjamin Disraeli himself suggested that it might be a good time for Charles to go visit America for a while. He starts off in NYC then, as he is heading to Boston, he gets a message that a young society girl was murdered on the ground's of a rich man's "cottage" (aka seaside mansion).  So he heads to Newport to try to solve the crime and rub shoulders with the Astors and various other members of the very upper class. At the end of the story, it sounds like Charles may be giving up detecting as a career. I hope this isn't the last book in the series because I do so enjoy them.


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