I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum

British artist Richard Haddon loves his wife, the beautiful French attorney Anne-Laure. 
And yet he cheated on her with sexy American Lisa. Just as the affair has ended, Anne-Laure finds out about it--and Richard realizes just how much he has put at risk for his fling. Can--and should--this marriage survive? That is the crux of I Am Having So Much Fun...

My one quibble with this book is that Richard is the narrator--and I'm not totally convinced that this is how a man would actually think, talk, and react to the situation he's put himself in. It sometimes sounds like a woman trying to talk like a man, which was a little distracting. Still and all, it does bring to life the old song lyric: "You don't know what you've got till it's gone."


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