The Privileges by Jonathon Dee
I really liked this book about a young couple living a charmed life in Manhattan. And I'm not sure exactly why. The book starts on Adam and Cynthia's wedding day and follows their lives for about the next 20 years, as Adam rises through the world of finance and hedge funds to make obscene amounts of money, some of it legal, some of it not. Along the way, they have 2 children. Their daughter, April, seems kind of lost while the son, Jonas, seems to be better grounded. Both have near-death experiences that affect their perspective on their privileged lives. Not much actually happens in this book yet I was drawn in to the story and wanted to see what happened to Adam and Cynthia. I did think it was telling that the couple had plenty of material wealth but had no close ties to their families and seemed to have very few actual friends.
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