Bossypants by Tina Fey

I appreciated Tina Fey's tenure as head writer at Saturday Night Live because she managed to raise the level of humor from the usual "12-year-old-boy" humor so frequently seen on SNL. Which is why I was so eager to read her new book, Bossypants.
And once again, Tina did not disappoint.

The book is set up kind of like a long conversation with Tina Fey on a variety of topics--her parents, weird dates she has gone on, working with Second City, her crazy honeymoon cruise, joining SNL, Sarah Palin, getting 30 Rock off the ground--complete with pictures, some of them of the supremely "bad hair" variety.

If you're looking for a dish-the-dirt, tell-all tome, this is not for you.
But if you are looking for a fast, funny read, this is the book for you. You betcha.


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