Gamble by Felix Francis

A day at the horse races for financial analysts Nick Foxton and his American colleague Herb Kovac ends with Herb being shot to death by a mysterious stranger. When Nick is inexplicably named Herb's executor and sole heir, he begins to discover that he didn't know his coworker at all. And suddenly, Nick finds his own life in danger.

That is the premise of the fast-paced Gamble by Felix Francis, who has taken over the long-running horse racing-themed mystery series from his father, Dick Francis. I liked the story and Nick. I did find that the author tended to go off on explanations of topics (such as comparing the SEC vs the British way of overseeing securities fraud)that kind of threw off the momentum of the story. And the subplot involving Nick's girlfriend is more serious than is usually found in a murder mystery. But it didn't distract from the main plot and indeed made you care what happened to Nick even more. All in all, if you liked the Dick Francis novels, I think you will also like the way Felix is carrying on the tradition.


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