Movie review: Ides of March

Ides of March is a behind-the-scenes look at presidential politics--and the picture it paints isn't pretty. The story focuses on the Ohio primary, which will determine the Democratic nominee. Steven (Ryan Gossling)is working on the campaign of a charismatic governor (George Clooney) who needs to win Ohio to win the nomination.

We see Steven "evolve" from a slightly naive idealist to a cold-hearted manipulator. (One review I read implied that Steven always was cold-hearted and manipulative but I'm not sure I agree with that.) Watching this movie made me wonder why anyone would want to be involved in politics--you're forced to make so many compromises that you're bound to lose your integrity in the process.

I found the beginning of the movie a little slow and talky. But once the subplot involving a well-connected intern (Evan Rachel Wood) kicked in, I was engrossed.


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