Lullaby by Ace Atkins

Lullaby is the first Spenser novel written by someone other than the late, lamented Robert Parker. I have to say, Ace Atkins did a much better job capturing Parker's tone and pacing than Michael Brandman did when he tried to continue Parker's "Jesse Stone" series. The relationship between Spenser and Susan seems authentic and even the banter between Spenser and Hawk rings true. In Lullaby, Spenser is hired by 14-year-old Mattie Sullivan to find out who really murdered her mother 4 years earlier. Someone was arrested and imprisoned but Mattie is convinced he's innocent and she wants justice. Of course, Spenser can't resist a kid in trouble, so he's on the case, which ends up stirring up all kinds of trouble around Boston. It's good to know that the Spenser series can continue despite the untimely death of its creator.


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