The Last Original Wife
Leslie and Wesley (yes, Les & Wes) Carter have been married for 30 years. Wes tightly controls the purse strings, plans all their vacations (which mostly involve golfing) and pretty much takes his wife for granted, as do their 2 kids. When one of her dear friends dies, the husband marries his much younger personal trainer. Then the husband of another dear friend dumps her for a much younger woman. Soon, Les is the only original wife left in their circle--and she's not happy about it. Things come to a head when, on a trip to Scotland (for golfing, naturally), Les is walking behind Wes, his friend Harold and his trophy wife when she falls into a manhole. No one even notices that she's gone for quite some time, then Wes goes off to play golf while she's in the hospital. When they get home to Atlanta, Les decides she needs a break from her whole selfish family and heads off to visit her brother Harlan in Charleston.
Until this point, I liked this book. But then it kind of lost its way. Les soon is seeing her former high school sweetheart, now doctor, Jonathon. Wesley's household is unraveling without Les to keep things running. He keeps complaining, she keeps talking about how wonderful her life is in Charleston with Jonathon. It all just sort of ran out of story. And I had to laugh at the implausibility of both Les and Danette (her friend who had been dumped) finding new loves so fast.
Until this point, I liked this book. But then it kind of lost its way. Les soon is seeing her former high school sweetheart, now doctor, Jonathon. Wesley's household is unraveling without Les to keep things running. He keeps complaining, she keeps talking about how wonderful her life is in Charleston with Jonathon. It all just sort of ran out of story. And I had to laugh at the implausibility of both Les and Danette (her friend who had been dumped) finding new loves so fast.
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