Drop Dead Healthy by AJ Jacobs
My sister's book group read Drop Dead Healthy and she told me I would appreciate his breezy writing style. Which I did.
Jacobs spent 2 years trying to become the healthiest person he could be after a bout with tropical pneumonia--and his wife telling him she didn't want to be a young widow. He consulted with experts on nutrition, exercise, mental health, posture, and pretty much every system in the body. He tried all sorts of fad diets, exercise trends, and gimmicks & devices, all in the quest for perfect health.
He did learn how to eat better, breathe better, exercise more efficiently. But even he admitted that no matter what you do, you could drop dead tomorrow anyway.
Throughout his adventure, he visited several medical specialists for checkups. One turned up a suspicious mole that was precancerous. Getting that taken care of was definitely a big step toward a longer, healthier life.
It is an interesting--and at times very funny--journey. His wife sounds like a hoot.
And he does provide a lot of information that is worth pondering.
Jacobs spent 2 years trying to become the healthiest person he could be after a bout with tropical pneumonia--and his wife telling him she didn't want to be a young widow. He consulted with experts on nutrition, exercise, mental health, posture, and pretty much every system in the body. He tried all sorts of fad diets, exercise trends, and gimmicks & devices, all in the quest for perfect health.
He did learn how to eat better, breathe better, exercise more efficiently. But even he admitted that no matter what you do, you could drop dead tomorrow anyway.
Throughout his adventure, he visited several medical specialists for checkups. One turned up a suspicious mole that was precancerous. Getting that taken care of was definitely a big step toward a longer, healthier life.
It is an interesting--and at times very funny--journey. His wife sounds like a hoot.
And he does provide a lot of information that is worth pondering.
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