The Night Fire by Michael Connelly

The Night Fire is the next installment of the Harry Bosch-Renee Ballard partnership. Ballard works on the night shift in Hollywood, and Harry is now retired from the LA police but still working cold cases.  The fire in the title refers to a case that Ballard gets about a homeless man who is burned to death in his tent under what she feels are suspicious circumstances. Harry is working on a case with his brother, "Lincoln Lawyer" Mickey Haller, involving a man arrested for killing a judge. He's also trying to find out why his recently deceased former mentor stole a murder book on a cold case when he retired from the police force--then did nothing to solve the case. Eventually, Harry and Renee realize that some of the cases they're working on separately may be intertwined. So they come up with a plan that could be dangerous for both of them.

As always, Michael Connelly tells a good story--and I like this partnership between Harry and Renee.


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