Dark Towers by David Enrich
Dark Towers is purportedly about the relationship between Donald Trump and Deutsche Bank. But it's really mostly about the history of the huge multinational bank with a little Donald Trump thrown in here and there.
It's an interesting (and kind of frightening) story about a bank that lost its way over the years, with its leadership frequently seeming to be on a slippery slope ethically--helping the Nazis build Auschwitz, helping the Russians launder money--as long as there were profits to be made.
For some reason, the powers that be at the bank decided Donald Trump was a valuable customer, even though no other bank would have anything to do with him. At one point, one division of Deutsche Bank lent him millions to repay a loan from another division of Deutsche Bank.
The book is populated with a variety of colorful characters who led the bank into trouble--and a few who tried to rein in its excesses.
It's an interesting (and kind of frightening) story about a bank that lost its way over the years, with its leadership frequently seeming to be on a slippery slope ethically--helping the Nazis build Auschwitz, helping the Russians launder money--as long as there were profits to be made.
For some reason, the powers that be at the bank decided Donald Trump was a valuable customer, even though no other bank would have anything to do with him. At one point, one division of Deutsche Bank lent him millions to repay a loan from another division of Deutsche Bank.
The book is populated with a variety of colorful characters who led the bank into trouble--and a few who tried to rein in its excesses.
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