The Gilded Cage by Camille Lackburg
Did not love this book. I haven't read anything else by this author--and apparently this is not typical of her work. But I did not love this book. The heroine (and I use the term loosely) came from a difficult background and meets a guy who becomes wildly successful in business (with her help, which he conveniently forgets). Then he decides to replace her with a younger model--leaving her without any money or a home. So she decides to get revenge and comes up with an elaborate plot to do so.
The husband is a horrible person. But she's not really that sympathetic either. In fact, the most likeable person in the book is her friend Chris, who inexplicably stands by her through thick and thin. There are a lot of flashbacks in this book so you have to pay close attention to the years at the beginning of the chapters to avoid being totally confused.
If you liked Gone Girl you might like this. I didn't really like that book either. So this was definitely not my cup of tea.
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