Desolation Canyon by PJ Tracy
This is the sequel to Deep Into the Dark (which I mistakenly started reading first, not realizing it was a sequel). We revisit cops Maggie Nolan and her partner Al Crawford along with homicide detective (and possible romantic interest) Remy Beaudreau. We also check back in with Sam Easton, a veteran home from Afghanistan and suffering from PTSD who was a suspect in the first book, who turned out to be a big help to the police.
This story focuses on a compound out in the Death Valley desert where celebs and other folks with money go on retreats with "Father Paul," not knowing he's a former felon and the place is a front for criminal activity. Sam first hears about it when he's out running in the desert and stops by his pal Landry's store. Landry isn't there but the eccentric clerk, Mike, tells him about the place. When he returns to LA, Sam goes looking for Landry--only to find he's not on his boat (where he's supposed to be) but there is blood on the deck, and one of his neighbors tells Sam that Landry's daughter and granddaughter have been visiting--but Sam knows Landry has no children. That also turns out to be related to the compound in the desert. Then Nolan and Crawford start investigating a case of a man whose body was found in the ornamental pool of a fancy hotel--which, you guessed it, also has ties to the compound in the desert.
I like these characters (though I think Maggie and Sam should get together rather than Maggie and Remy), so I hope there's a third book on the way.
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