Fellowship Point by Alice Dark

 I'm a fast reader but I've been reading this book for days and am only up to page 220 (out of more than 500), so I may give up. It's starting to feel like a homework assignment. I like the 2 main characters, two elderly women who have been lifelong best friends. Agnes is single, a successful writer of a children's book series (and under a pseudonym a successful series about a group of Philadelphia women loosely based on her life and acquaintances). Polly took a more traditional path as a wife (of a self-centered philosophy professor) and mother.

The 2 women own homes in Maine in an area called Fellowship Point, which they are trying to protect from developers who wanted to build condos, etc. there. There is also a subplot about a woman named Maud who works for a publishing company and wants Agnes to write her memoirs, which Agnes has no interest in doing because that would involve spilling long-held secrets.

Nothing much happens in a lot of this book. We learn a lot about Polly's marriage to Dick--whom she loves madly though it's hard to tell why since he is sure the universe revolves around him. We learn about Agnes's health problems. We learn about Maud's challenges. But it's kind of slow going.

If anyone out there really loved this book, please share your thoughts.


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