Save What's Left by Elizabeth Castellano
Kathleen and Tom have been married for 30 years when, one day over breakfast (ruining pancakes for her forever), he announces that he's bored with their life and is going to take a world cruise without her. She sells the house in Kansas City and moves to a small coastal town called Whitbey, where her childhood friend Josie lives. When Kathleen arrives in town to see the small house she bought over the phone, she's dismayed to find that a ginormous McMansion on stilts is being built right next door. And so begins her battle with the town leaders. She's joined in her battle by her neighbor Rosemary, who has a long history of trying to make people follow the rules.Then Tom shows up in a giant Airstream. And things start getting really interesting for our poor, beleagured heroine.
The author has a very funny sense of humor."Where in the world is Tom today? I like to imagine him catching dysentary in India or being kidnapped while having lunch on his shore excurion in Abu Dhabi. I wondered if cholera was still around as he floated down the Nile. Perhaps a very poisonous jellyfish would sting in him in Australia or better yet, he could be eaten by a shark. I don't want to sound unkind, but if a man leaves you in search of adventure, you want that man to choke to death on a deep-fried cricket in Beijing. You just do."
This is Castellano's first novel. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
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