I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue
A review I read of this book made it sound like it was humorous but I found it kind of sad.Jolene is working at a large company as an admin. She mostly tries to stay below the radar because the people she works with aren't very nice to her but she needs the job. To get her revenge she often send emails with nasty comments (written in white type so they're invisible to the recipient), but one day she screws up and one of her snarky missives gets her sent to HR, where she meets Cliff, the new HR guy. He's supposed to set her computer up so that he can read her emails to make sure she sends nothing offensive but he goofs and makes it so she can read everyone else's emails to each other--many of which are mean things people are saying about her. She uses the info that has fallen into her lap to try to secure her position in the face of impending layoffs. But things don't go exactly as planned.
This book kind of has a romance, has definite shades of Mean Girls, has some cultural misunderstandings and a fake engagement. But everyone's lives were SO depressing. While I laud the author for coming up with a creative concept for the story, everyone in the book was so unhappy for most of the book that I'm not sure I can recommend it.
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