Sing Me Home by Jodi Picoult

I'm a long-time fan, but Sing Me Home was not Jodi Picoult's best.
In a nutshell: Zoe (a music therapist) and her husband Max (a landscaper) are having fertility issues. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to have a baby, Max says he's had enough and leaves. He finds religion. Zoe finds lesbianism. They argue over who has the rights to their frozen embryos.

The parts of the story about Zoe's music therapy practice were actually good.
But Zoe becoming a lesbian when she had never shown any interest in women before didn't ring true. And there were SO many pages spent on religion that it just kind of bogged down the story.

Picoult often centers her stories around timely topics such as school violence (Nineteen Minutes) or Asperger's syndrome (House Rules) so I guess fighting over frozen embryos fills that bill. But her stories usually have better developed characters and the plot usually moves along faster. If you haven't read Jodi Picoult's work before, start with an earlier novel such as Nineteen Minutes or Plain Truth.


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