Movie review: Thor

I'm guessing I'm not really the target audience for Thor but I liked it. As I liked the first Iron Man movie and the first of the new Batman movies. And the reason is because the writers added a little humor to all the rock 'em sock 'em action and special effects. Indeed, my favorite part of Thor was the middle section, when Thor lands on earth and runs into Natalie Portman (playing a scientist named Jane) and her cohorts. They're not sure if he really is a Norse god fallen from the skies--or a lunatic. But they're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

The first part of this movie moves kind of slowly, as we learn Thor's back story on his home planet. But once he lands on earth, the pace picks up considerably then there's an action-packed finale. The Australian actor (Chris Hemsworth) who plays Thor is good and he and Natalie have a cute spark together. Plus the supporting cast was good--from Anthony Hopkins as Thor's father to Stellan Skarsgard as one of Jane's fellow scientists. I did wonder if a lot of Renee Russo's part got cut as she had about 2 lines of dialog in the whole movie. My rating: Not worth full price but definitely worth a matinee price.


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