Still Me by Jo Jo Moyes

Still Me is the sequel to the sequel to Me Before You. I actually liked this one better than the one in the middle (After You). Our spunky heroine, Louisa Clark is following her beloved (and now deceased) Will's advice to Be Bold! She has taken a one-year job in Manhattan as the assistant to the second wife of a rich businessman. She has left her family and new romance, Sam, back in England and is trying to navigate her way through this complicated new world.

This book reminded me a little of The Nanny Diaries in that the rich New Yorkers don't really come off as nice people. But Louisa manages to make friends in unexpected places and is doing okay until something happens that she never saw coming that puts her Manhattan existence in jeopardy.

Louisa is an appealing heroine so you really want her to find happiness. It will be interesting to see if there is a volume 4 to this series


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