There is Nothing for You Here by Fiona Hill

 I was really impressed by Fiona Hill when I saw her testifying before Congress. So I wanted to read her book. And I gave it the old college try. On my Kindle, it was 972 pages. I gamely made it to page 650 before I threw in the towel and decided it was getting to be more like homework than leisure reading. 

Fiona Hill has an interesting perspective on what is going on the United States right now. She grew up in Northern England in coal-mining country after coal mining had all but disappeared, taking most of the local jobs with it. Then she lived in Russia for a while before finally landing in the US, where she managed to reach the heights of working in the White House--where Donald Trump once assumed she was a secretary and asked her to retype a press release. While she does have some valid points to make, after a while it began to seem a little repetitive and that's when I gave up. I am still impressed by her intelligence and persistence.


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