A long Way Home by Saroo Brierly
5-year-old Saroo is living a happy if impoverished life in rural India with his mother, 2 brothers and baby sister. One day he goes off on an adventure with his 14-year-old brother and they get separated. Saroo ends up alone on a train to Calcutta, clear across the country. He then lives on the streets for several weeks before ending up in an orphanage then being adopted by an Australian couple. The most amazing thing is that this is a true story.
Saroo grows up in Australia but always wonders what happened to his other family back in India.
But since he was so small when he left, he can't remember enough details for anyone to help him find his family. The book tells his incredible story of his journey to a new life in Australia--then back to India to find the family he left behind.
When you see the pictures of how tiny he was while he was alone living on the streets, you can see it was a miracle that he survived his adventures relatively unscathed. Fascinating book, couldn't put it down.
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