A New York Christmas by Anne Perry
A New York Christmas is a spin-off of the popular Thomas and Charlotte Pitt series by Anne Perry, featuring their daughter Jemima. Said daughter has been hired to serve as traveling companion to young Delphinia Cardew, who is heading to NYC for her fancy society wedding into one of New York's richest families. Jemima loves New York and is having a lovely visit till Harley, the groom's brother, asks for her help. You see, Delphinia's mother, Maria, had abandoned the girl years earlier under under somewhat murky circumstances. And the wealthy family Delphinia's joining wants to make sure the mother doesn't show up at the wedding and cause a scandal. Jemima finds a dead body and is soon arrested for Maria's murder (even though there is no evidence and she had absolutely no motive). She's kind of left to her own devices, with the assistance of sympathetic cop Patrick Flannery, to find the real killer.
I'll say upfront that I figured out who the real killer was immediately. But it was still an enjoyable tale. Jemima is a plucky heroine and there were a few unexpected turns in the story. So if you're just looking for something light some snowy afternoon, this is a good choice.
I'll say upfront that I figured out who the real killer was immediately. But it was still an enjoyable tale. Jemima is a plucky heroine and there were a few unexpected turns in the story. So if you're just looking for something light some snowy afternoon, this is a good choice.
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