Escape Points by Michele Weldon

In I Closed My Eyes,  Northwestern University professor Michele Weldon showed how even a well-educated professional woman from a close-knit family could be the victim of an abusive husband. That book ends when she decides this is not a good environment for her sons and leaves with them.
Escape Points picks up from there and relates her life as a single mom trying to juggle work,  running a house, raising three boys--and later dealing with cancer--with no help whatsoever from her ex-husband. After remarrying and starting a second family, he takes off for Holland, claiming he has no income so he shouldn't be responsible for child support.

The title, Escape Points, comes from a wrestling term. And there is a LOT of wrestling in the book, as all three of Weldon's sons are involved in the sport. But there is also a lot of love--and a lot of gratitude to friends, family and one very special wrestling coach who form the village that helps Weldon raise her sons.


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