The Expats by Chris Pavone

Reading The Expats reminded me a lot of watching the TV show The Americans, about seemingly ordinary Americans who are not living the lives everyone thinks they are. Kate and Dexter and their 2 young sons live in Washington DC. Everyone thinks she works for the State Department and he is a security expert for the financial industry. But Dexter doesn't know that Kate really works for the CIA and Kate has no idea what Dexter is really up to. One day he comes home and announces that he got a new job and they're all moving to Luxembourg. But he's very mysterious about this new job and Kate's spy radar is immediately up.
Then they meet fellow ex-pats Julia and Bill, who Kate doesn't really believe are married or from Chicago as they say they are. And they just keep popping up everywhere Kate and Dexter are. So, bored with being a stay-at-home wife and mom, and kind of irritated at her husband for all his secrecy, Kate starts her own little investigation on what's really going on in Luxembourg. And what she finds is not what she expected at all.

Though I thought the middle of the book kind of bogged down a little, the beginning and end were engrossing, with plenty of good plot twists and turns. This would be a good book for a long plane ride
or a day at the beach, now that summer has finally, finally arrived.


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