Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Wiener

I normally love Jennifer Wiener's books but this one, not so much. It's so depressing. There's molestation, gang rape, cancer, death of a parent, obnoxious offspring, sexual harassment. After a while, it's all too much. The story revolves around two sisters named Jo and Bethie living in Detroit starting in the early 1950s. Jo is a tomboy who drives her mother to distraction. Bethie is the little princess who can do no wrong. In the first half of the book, Jo is the strong one, then later, she and Bethie switch roles. In between there is a lot of angst, drugs, and lesbian love scenes. Apparently the inspiration for the book was Jennifer Wiener's mother, who came out late in life.

If you're new to Jennifer Wiener, try one of her earlier books such as In Her Shoes.


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