Hush by Kate White

I'm a big fan of Kate White's Bailey Wiggins series, which is sort of a marriage of Nancy Drew and Sex and the City. Bailey uses her wits and wit to solve mysteries, all while visiting the latest hot spots in Manhattan and looking charmingly chic.

But Kate White's newest, Hush, is a stand-alone story--and one that could really use an infusion of Bailey's smarts. I frequently wanted to whomp the main character (the oddly named Lake Warren) upside the head for being so stupid. She decides to sleep with the doctor at a fertility clinic for which she's creating a marketing campaign. She barely knows the guy, he's a client, and she's in the middle of a nasty divorce/custody battle. So a bad idea on every level. Then the guy gets murdered--possibly by someone at the clinic. So what does she do? Meets one staff member in a mostly deserted park. Meets another staff member out in the middle of nowhere in a torrential downpour. Goes wandering alone late at night in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Has this woman no functioning brain cells?

Kate White knows how to tell a good story. But stick with the Bailey Wiggins stories if you're in the mood for good chick lit.


  1. Julie, I love the Bailey stories too! I was just thinging about those books the other day and wondered if a new one would come out. Thanks for the heads up on this one - perhaps I'll skip it.
    BTW, I am reading "Freedom" that we talked about - hate it!

  2. The Bailey stories are much better because Bailey actually uses the brains she was born with, unlike the girl in Hush.

    For a series with a feisty heroine who uses her wits, check out D. Stabenow's series featuring Kate Shugak (not sure if the last name is spelled right). They're set in Alaska.

    Thanks for the heads up on Freedom.

    Reading a really good one now called The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. It's about a historian who travels through time to the Middle Ages then gets stuck there.

  3. Oh, that sounds good (Doomsday) I'll have to check it out.
    I need to get back to Freedom - bookclub is next week and I hope I can finish it -it's torture!
    Have a good day.

  4. Maybe Freedom will get better as it progresses. It did get some good reviews.

  5. Julie,
    I finished Freedom and it did get better. It was a great discussion at bookclub last night. I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about the book but the discussion brought up some great points! If you read it let me know.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. How did others in your book club feel about it? I'm looking for ideas for future books for my book club.

  7. only 2 of us finished it! (out of 10) We usually have 100% or close participation so I think that sums it up! Out next book is The Invisible Wall by Harry Bernstein - don't know a thing about it.

  8. I've never heard of The Invisible Wall. Let me know if it's good.

  9. I take that back. I looked it up on and I have read that book. It was good.


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