Rental House by Weike Wang

 Kuru is the daughter of immigrants from China. Her husband Nate is the product of a working class American family. Her job in business earns her a lot more than his job in science and academia. But they have been together since college and are happy. One summer they invite their respective families to share their vacation rental on consecutive weeks and we learn just how different their worlds are. 

Wang's stories are more character studies than plot-driven narratives. We learn alot about the characters from the conversations they have and the way they react to events. For example, every month, Kuru sends Nate's mother a check which she wants her to think came from Nate (who I'm not 100% sure even knows about the money). The mother-in-law assumes Kuru's parents are giving her the money (which would never cross their minds). So even though she gets no gratitude for her generous gesture, Kuru keeps sending the checks because helping Nate's mother, even though she is not Kuru's biggest fan, is the right thing to do.

I also liked Wang's earlier books, Chemistry and Joan is Okay. So if you're looking for something a little different and some very observant writing, check her out.


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