The Hunting Wind by Steve Hamilton

I've been reading Steve Hamilton's "Alex McKnight" series, totally out of order, for several months now. And have been enjoying them thoroughly. I happened upon The Hunting Wind, one of the earlier books in the series this week. And I have to say, it was not my favorite. The story in a nutshell is this: Years earlier, Alex had been a minor league baseball catcher. He played with a pitcher named Randy Wilkins, who had blown his big chance at a major league career then disappeared from Alex's life. Randy suddenly shows up in northern Michigan asking Alex to help him find a girl he dated 30 years earlier. Alex is dubious about how successful this adventure will be but heads to Detroit to help him  look for the elusive Maria. So far so good. But then we and Alex discover that nothing is as it seems and everyone is telling lies. By the end, it's hard to know just what happened and why. It was all a little too murky for me. I do recommend the rest of the series, however.


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