A Dangerous Place by Jacqueline Winspear

A Dangerous Place picks up the story of nurse/private investigator Maisie Dobbs in the late 1930s. She is in Gibraltar recovering from a tragedy and trying to figure out what to do next with her life.

One night while out walking, she stumbles upon the body of a photographer named Sebastian, who has just been attacked. Maisie's  insatiable curiosity leads her to start her own investigation of the attack. And she soon realizes that she herself is under surveillance. It's a very convoluted plot and when I got to the end, I still wasn't sure exactly what had happened to Sebastian because no one would give Maisie a straight answer to any of her questions. I would have liked a little more closure.

My other quibble with this book is that the character of Maisie is so prickly and kind of morose.
So when something happy finally happens in her life, you wish Winspear had devoted more of the story to that, instead of relating it in quick flashbacks. All in all, I'd say it's not a bad book but it's not my favorite in this series.


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