The Last Detective by Peter Lovesey

The Last Detective is an older book (circa 1991) that I picked up at a book sale last summer.

Peter Diamond is an old-school British cop who doesn't have a lot of faith in computers and all that other modern technology for solving crimes. When this book opens, he is awaiting the results of an inquiry into whether he browbeat a man into confessing to a crime. His possible replacement has been named his second in command. And Diamond is not too happy.

A woman's body is found floating in a lake with no ID on her. When the cops run a picture of her, people keep calling in and saying she looks like a character on one of the nighttime soaps. The cops scoff at this until it turns out the woman actually is the actress who played that character on the soap. And so begins a long and winding road to figure out whodunnit. I didn't figure out the ending beforehand, which is always a sign of a good mystery.

This is the first in a series. I will search out the others  because I enjoyed The Last Detective and the character of Peter Diamond--who is a lot of bluster with a good heart and keen investigative skills.


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