Red Notice by Bill Browder

Red Notice is my book group's next selection--which came in at the library way sooner than I expected, so I hope I can remember enough about this book to contribute to the discussion next month.

Notice is nonfiction and tells the story of Browder's decision to start a hedge fund in Russia--which became wildly successful and caught the attention of the very corrupt Powers That Be. Much of the book is devoted to Browder's attempts to keep his staff and lawyers out of the clutches of the Russian government, which came up with all kinds of bogus evidence that Browder's company owed the Russians a ton of money. One of his Russian lawyers, Sergei, refuses to leave Russia and gets ensnared in the system. And Browder uses all his contacts around the world to help this honest, patriotic Russian who refuses to lie to save his own skin. It's an interesting look at behind the scenes of life in Russia.


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